Addressing Medical Debt: Illinois’ New Laws and Relief Initiatives 

In a move aimed at reforming how medical debt is handled, Illinois recently enacted two pivotal laws during its legislative session. These measures, part of a broader trend across the United States, seek to regulate the reporting of healthcare-related debts by credit agencies, as well as provide significant relief for residents burdened by medical expenses. 

Senate Bill 2933: Protecting Consumers from Unfair Credit Practices 

One of the key legislative changes is Senate Bill 2933, which amends Illinois’ Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. This bill now prohibits credit reporting agencies from including medical debt information in consumer reports, unless the debt specifically stems from services charged to a credit card intended solely for healthcare purposes. This amendment is designed to shield consumers from potentially damaging credit reports due to medical bills or related collection actions. 

During the bill’s development, concerns were carefully monitored, including how medical debt is defined and the exclusion of credit card charges unrelated to healthcare expenses. The Great Lakes Credit and Collection Association played a pivotal role in ensuring these considerations were addressed in the final legislation. 

HB 5290: The Medical Debt Relief Pilot Program 

Governor JB Pritzker also signed HB 5290 into law, establishing the groundbreaking Medical Debt Relief Pilot Program. This initiative earmarks approximately $10 million from the state budget to purchase outstanding medical debt in Illinois. The ultimate goal? To erase nearly $1 billion in medical debts currently held in collections, thereby offering much-needed financial relief to Illinois residents. 

Administered by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, this program marks a collaboration with Undue Medical Debt (formerly RIP Medical Debt), a nonprofit organization known for negotiating the purchase of medical debts. The program is slated to begin forgiving debts as early as Fall 2024, with impacted households receiving notification letters once their debts are cleared. 

A Path Forward for Healthcare Financial Reform 

These legislative actions, set to take effect on January 1, 2025, illustrate Illinois’ proactive approach to addressing the challenges of medical debt. By implementing strict regulations on credit reporting and launching innovative debt relief initiatives, the state aims to protect consumer rights and promote fairness in healthcare financing. 

Illinois’ efforts also serve as a model for other states grappling with similar issues, highlighting the importance of legislative measures in alleviating financial burdens on individuals and families facing healthcare-related expenses. As these laws come into effect, they represent a significant step towards a more equitable healthcare financing system—one that prioritizes consumer protection and economic stability for all residents. 

Through these reforms, Illinois not only strives to ease the immediate financial pressures caused by medical debt but also sets a precedent for comprehensive healthcare financial reform nationwide. This commitment to action underscores the state’s dedication to ensuring healthcare remains accessible and affordable for all its residents, regardless of financial circumstances. 

Author:  Jennifer Evancic

Jennifer Evancic is a third-party auditor valued by creditors and large organizations for her knowledge in call monitoring within the collections industry. With meticulous attention to detail and a firm grasp of regulatory requirements, she ensures compliance with clients’ criteria and state and federal regulations.

Jennifer audits collections calls, ensuring they meet client-specific criteria and comply with regulations, providing valuable insights and maintaining industry standards.

Beyond her auditing responsibilities, Jennifer takes the lead in organizing and facilitating monthly call calibrations. These sessions serve as a collaborative forum where clients and their vendors come together to discuss call monitoring results and address any findings or areas for improvement. Jennifer’s guidance fosters open communication and ensures alignment between clients and vendors, driving continuous improvement in collections practices.

Jennifer stays up-to-date with compliance and industry best practices by participating regularly in peer meetings, regulatory updates and industry webinars. This keeps her informed about emerging issues and ensures she remains a knowledgeable leader in collections compliance.

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